Gemini and Gemini
The compatibility between two people of the same sign is very high, because they know what each other are thinking and both want an active social life. Gemini are quite noble and honest people, which means they can be stable and maintain space with no jealousy between them. The space will need by each other will be given by the other, as they will be in the same situation.
In general, the signs are ones that like to have fun and learn new things and often escape the routine. Gemini are very intelligent people, but also tend to do things without thinking much about them; therefore, all these achievements are going to be related to relationships with other people. In the economic and employment level, these signs are very changeable and will not achieve stability.
Their friendship will be the most enduring and they will live great experiences. They will be the ideal companion when others do not want to try new things or something more risky. Gemini can always count on his other Gemini. That is if both go out with the same friends, thy may have friction sometimes, because each of them has their opinion and are usually the most stubborn.
On the sexual plane, these signs are full of chemistry. Therefore, the relationships between them will be the best and they will both know how to give the other what they want. They will understand without problems and many words are not necessary for mutual pleasure.
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