
Gemini and Libra

The compatibility between these two signs is not very high and this is basically because Libra is a very balanced sign and Gemini is the sign of imbalance. Libra is a balanced person, who likes to think a lot about things and always wants to be sure before doing anything. He is not a person to take risks or who likes to make many changes in your life.

On the other hand, Gemini is the opposite. He is open to experience anything and the changes that come to his life. He is an adventurous person, who does not like doing the same things and hates being cooped up at home. Gemini is a person who likes to be with friends and that is the opposite with Libra.

Therefore, if they want to have a future relationship, both will have to let go of certain things and talk about the feelings of each other, which is also very difficult for Gemini. The achievements that can be expected from these two signs are not many because each one goes their own way. However, if they come to agreement, they will be especially good with family and in friendships.

The sexual plane is one in which they will feel better because they are so opposite that there is a great chemistry in them that makes them be attracted to each other and that is never something they will do with any other signs. This is almost the only aspect that will need no words and that both will enjoy.

How to attract a Gemini?

Gemini man

Gemini woman

Gemini love and relationship

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