Gemini and Taurus
The compatibility is high between these two signs although at first glance it may seem that they have nothing in common. They are signs that attract each other much as they are like the relationships where they cannot live with or without each other.
Despite the differences in character, these signs will find something to unite them. Both are true and noble people, but Taurus is a person of being calm at home, while Gemini is entirely opposite. However, both have something that may very well change the other and this magnetism will bring out the longest and most fruitful relationships. Like it or not, these signs will always have differences and arguments between them, but none want to be separated from the other.
This is the point of difference between this pair of signs and others. The forces that bind them are stronger than the forces that can separate them, so they can be together for a long time. Both like the outdoors, making them especially good for everything related to the sport and country. His achievements can be anywhere but on the economic side, for none of them can make their money lasts.
On the sexual plane, the differences are also present, but this time in a positive manner, since both are going to enjoy what each offers. They are very supportive and they do not pressure each other.
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