Gemini and Virgo
The compatibility between these two signs is the highest no matter what type of relationship is established between them. These signs have a lot in common, thereby giving them a way to close the gap that exists between them. Both are people who like to be with friends and have a very active social life. This is something that they both enjoy, being together and hanging out with friends.
On the other hand, Gemini is a person who likes to learn about everything that is set on his way and Virgo is the image of intellect. Gemini usually listens to everything that Virgo says, although sometimes this may waive unpleasant conversations. The achievements that can be expected within this relationship will be related mainly with the friend, family and professional, but will have some problems with money, because they both like to go out and spend a lot. Friendships can be more than happy with this pair at their side, they are always thinking of ways to help those nearby. On the sexual plane, these two are also going to have a great time, because the relations are very pleasurable for both.
Gemini will know to give Virgo all that is need for the relationship to be more than just about sex. Good friends, the partner, lovers, etc.. There is no relationship that they may escape from them and they will be united as long as they wish.
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